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by Nathan Swinson-Bullough

Picture of Nathan and residents of care home in front of wallpaper

At Imageco, we’re slap-bang in the middle of the northern wide-format print and design industry. It’s been this way for seventeen years, so it’s important for us to collaborate with local artists and give back to our community. 

Recently we collaborated with Giles Rocholl, a Leeds-based photographer, and we decided to help out at a Harrogate care home, Vida Grange. Together, we created, donated and installed a scenic, wide-format wall print! 


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Photographer Giles Rocholl and Imageco’s Nathan! 

Image Therapy 

Giles Rocholl and our Imageco team looked into how we could offer a helping hand and we found a bunch of interesting articles. Local scenery can help patients feel connected to their community. We put this idea forward to Vida Grange. 

Theresa McNally, Progressive Training Manager at Vida Grange, told us imagery does play an important role in the reduction of anxiety. Natural imagery, landscapes and open vistas create a calmer sense of well-being and can stimulate good memories! 

Vida Grange staff chose a gorgeous Giles Rocholl image of the view from Sutton Bank in North Yorkshire and from there, we put our wide-format printers to work! 

Happy Residents 

Vida Grange 3

Theresa McNally with a Vida Grange resident 

The work was installed a month ago and the response has been awesome! 

Our team at Imageco and Giles Rocholl were thrilled to put our design and print skills to good use in helping residents’ lives. 

We hope the image acts as an anchor to happy memories for the residents at Vida Grange. 

The Care Home 

Vida Grange is a care home in Harrogate specialising in tailored support to those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. It puts the reduction of anxiety at the forefront of their priorities. 

Vida Grange takes a unique approach to healthcare. The building is structured with an exciting layout with gardens and terraces for its residents to explore. 

The Imageco team were thrilled to work in such a progressive and caring environment. 

“Giles came to me with the concept and asked if Imageco would collaborate to produce the huge image. I thought it was a great idea and it was a privilege to meet some of the residents who would benefit from Giles’ amazing art work.” – Nathan Swinson Bullough, Imageco 

If you’re a local artist and would like to be involved in similar projects get in touch today