The project began with preparation. Decorators were appointed to strip the walls of existing branding and repaint, before surveys of the building’s condition were compiled and assessed. Once prepped, we produced detailed on-site drawings to gauge the positioning and scale of the hospital's wall graphics. These were forwarded onto the designers at Banana Kick, as a template around which to digitally reproduce and finalise their design.
For the material, we selected a high-performance Matt Supertrack vinyl produced by Metamark. By doing so we totally eradicated the need for any lamination, while retaining both strong adhesion and vibrant colours. A win-win in our books!
Latex was our chosen print method. With fantastic eco credentials, including no harmful VOCs and water-based inks, this print method was a perfect fit for the hospital environment.
Once we’d manufactured and CAD cut approximately 2500m2 of vinyl, our team professionally installed Banana Kick’s youthful designs. From dinosaurs and robots to cars and trains, the graphics really complemented the freshly painted wall space.
We’re immensely proud of the finished result and look forward to working with Banana Kick on future projects.