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Tips and Tricks for Your International Exhibition Stand

by Nathan Swinson-Bullough

An image of a multi-coloured exhibition stand.

Looking for a new way to develop your knowledge, network with professionals, and generate new leads? Then exhibitions are the perfect solution. 

Showcasing at exhibitions is probably a key tool in your sales and marketing mix, whether that is attending, or exhibiting at industry-specific trade shows. But how about going international? Now that’s a game-changer!

International exhibitions are ideal for businesses trying to break into new markets and take their product or services international. 

International exhibitions allow you to make even more valuable connections and leads, building a network across the globe. They provide the chance to learn how your industry flourishes on a multinational level, and it’s the best way to keep up with industry trends.

The key to attracting those leads? 

An eye-catching stand to surpass your competitors, and leave a memorable impression on your prospects. 

We’ll be sharing the best tips and tricks on planning for international exhibitions, your exhibition stand design and managing your stand in the best way possible!

Planning The Look of Your Exhibition Stand

An international exhibition offers you the opportunity to introduce your business to new prospects who may have had no interaction with your brand before. It’s your audience’s first glimpse of your message, values, and product/service. First impressions count, and it’s vital your international exhibition stand can deliver.

For your stand, you should consider the following:

  • The core objective of what you want to achieve
  • The copy featured on your exhibition stand 
  • The language used
  • The choice of Pantone Colour Codes from your colour palette
  • Graphics to add to your exhibition stand design 
  • Any images you wish to feature
  • If you want to blend in interactive elements 

As industry experts, Imageco can develop your vision from scratch to the highest quality finish.

We can provide you with quality, bespoke designs to suit your needs, in-house! Imageco is at the forefront of innovation, and our design team are experts in creating stunning graphics, using cutting-edge technology such as computer-aided design (CAD) drawings. 

Explore Exhibition Extras

International exhibitions often have the latest innovations and tech, so don’t be afraid to reflect this in your display stand!

Today, exhibition stands go beyond free pens (although, everyone does love a free pen). Stands have been known to incorporate QR codes to link to websites, advanced lighting, and even games for prospects to interact with. 

At Imageco we have extensive experience incorporating technology and interactive elements into your exhibition stand design to create a lasting impression. Check out our case study for Hark where we developed a ground-breaking interactive stand with holograms and moving wind turbines for Tech Show North.

Hark exhibiting at the Tech Show North

Remember, your exhibition stand should still be a reflection of your brand, so ensure you tailor any extras to the prospects your brand is targeting. In Hark’s case, they deliver industrial IoT and target the renewables market, so the moving wind turbines made it instantly recognisable to their target audience.

Check Event Guidelines

Sustainability attitudes in the exhibition industry are evolving with 80% of event planners taking sustainability into account. Reducing waste and efficient waste management is a huge priority today, with some leading exhibitions now implementing zero-plastic policies for those looking to exhibit. 

Going forward you should look to prioritise sustainably-focused materials in your exhibition stand design. An exceptional alternative to plastic-based stands is cardboard engineering. 

Imageco can build a range of structures such as exhibition stands, props, furniture and short-run packaging – using fully sustainable materials. We often use Xanita cardboard for our stands, as well as fluted card for extra structural strength.  

Another great solution is Imageco’s creation: ExhiBox. A fully sustainable exhibition stand that can be packed away in a neat and tidy box. Exhibox is a lightweight structure which slots together, (like the adult version of a LEGO® set) and is built from Xanita board, which gives customers a fully eco-friendly option without compromising on a stunning finish! 

It’s efficient, easily transported, and can be reused!

Logistics, Installation and De-Install

One element often overlooked when planning to attend international exhibitions is the logistics, installation, and de-install of your mesmerising exhibition stand. 

Large stands can be intricate, difficult to transport, and strenuous to set up, plus there are health and safety documents to prepare, all of which can be a seemingly endless process. 

Luckily for you, there’s light at the end of the tunnel! Imageco now offers international installation within Europe on our exhibition stands. Wherever your business takes you, we can be there to offer: 

  • International installation and de-rigging
  • Storage of your stand 
  • Running health and safety assessments 
  • Conducting technical testing on all elements 

Our clients at Jumptech attended Fully Charged Live in Amsterdam with their custom Imageco exhibition stand. Jumptech is the leading electrification installation platform that accelerates adoption for a net-zero tomorrow. 

They used a bold, orange shell scheme stand, to match their branding. This attracted plenty of attention including prospective leads to discuss their business. Jumptech requested a stand constructed with sustainable materials, as they are a green technology provider that pursues sustainable practices. 

Sustainable materials were also key, because of the audience at Fully Charged. Jumptech wanted to ensure their exhibition stand design aligned with the sustainability values of the event and its prospects.

When working with Jumptech, Imageco shipped their custom-made stand to Amsterdam, handling all areas around shipment documentation and booking a delivery slot with the venue. 

The Jumptech Team with their exhibition stand at Fully Charged Live.

This ensured a worry-free delivery as well as an effortless set-up.

So whether you’re jetting off to sunny Barcelona, or hitting the streets of Amsterdam, be sure to STAND out from your competitors, and let Imageco manage your international exhibition stand for a stress-free experience. 

Contact us here for more information.