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3 Reasons Why Your Traditional Signage Won’t Be Displaced by Digital 

by Nathan Swinson-Bullough

Traditional signage on a shop front

In a world where everything seems to now include a screen, it can be hard to see if and where traditional signage fits. But here at Imageco we believe that traditional signage still plays an important place in how your customers perceive your brand.   

Read on to find out why we think traditional signage won’t be displaced by digital.   

1. Increase Your Footfall With Added Flexibility.  

Undoubtedly having a digital presence is key to having good brand awareness, but having traditional signage is also extremely important if you want to maintain well-balanced recognition among your new and existing customers. After all, there’s no point in putting your address on Google if your customers can’t find your front door.   

Clear and eye-catching outdoor branding is an effective way to promote foot traffic to your business and can often make you stand out from the crowd. Informative signage can give your customers a quick synopsis of your product offering without the sales spiel, while an interactive, fully branded window display made from eco-friendly materials can catch your customer’s eye as well as push your sustainability goals.  All this together will bring footfall into your space in a way digital signage alone cannot, (and as a bonus, it looks GOOD!).    

2. Creative Signage Freedom  

First impressions are important, and while LED screens can look nice, they very rarely give you the creative freedom you need to truly represent your brand.   

Think about it, most LED screens come in the same neutral-coloured rectangular box which needs very specific environments to work. Now if you are advertising in an indoor space that doesn’t see intensive weather patterns, has a completely flat surface, and has easy access to a power outlet, then LED screens could be an option for you.  But let’s be honest, you’re probably not in one of those spaces.   

Traditional signage solutions such as POS, hoardings, and storefront signage, give you the opportunity to advertise in spaces that suit your brand, not the digital device. While also giving you creative freedom that’s not limited to a rectangular box. Take for example our work with Zaap Thai’s latest Leeds-based restaurant.   

Here we worked with the Zaap Thai team to create an immersive experience for Zaap customers that would start the moment they saw the restaurant’s exterior. By using faux neon signs and giant hedge letters spelling out Zaap at the entrance, followed by custom-made authentic Thai light-up signs that lit the restaurant’s tables through the window, we were able to transport customers to the streets of Bangkok using only traditional signage. 

3. In It For The Long Run

With all these positives in mind, there’s one more major one we need to talk about- the long-term investment.   

The digital landscape is on a constantly evolving cycle, resulting in many digital signage options becoming obsolete before they have even come to market. Traditional signage has largely gone unchanged since its conception, resulting in longevity that will most likely mean it will always be relevant in the signage space.    

In terms of your business, this longevity means that your one-time investment will create long-term footfall and brand awareness returns. On top of this, as traditional signage does not often need a power source to work, this long-term investment will also be working for you 24/7, even if the price of energy rises.   

Your next steps into traditional signage 

If you’re looking to expand your traditional signage this season, contact our expert team today to see how we can help bring your idea to life.