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How to Make Your Christmas POS More Sustainable

by Nathan Swinson-Bullough

How to Make Your Christmas POS More Sustainable

With December just 3 months away, it’s safe to say Christmas is just around the corner. You know what that means – Christmas shopping! And don’t forget, POS and window displays play a crucial role in enticing customers into your store during the festive period, with their significance extending far beyond those early, over-organised shoppers. High-quality POS and window displays can be essential in helping with decision-making for customers. They can highlight this season’s best buys for those who have left gift purchasing until the eleventh hour. 

At Imageco, our focus on sustainability lies at the core of our operations. This year, we want to help you to avoid the excessive waste typically associated with the festive period – starting with your in-store POS. 

It’s the Most Wasteful Time of the Year  

Waste is a concern all year round, but it hits new levels during the Christmas season. Did you know that during the festive period, 30% more waste is generated in comparison to the rest of the year? And it’s estimated that 1.6 metric tons of that waste is from retailers alone. The surge in waste generation over the Christmas period holds significant consequences for the environment, adding additional stress to waste management systems. Not to mention, the excessive waste associated with holiday-related products, which are predominantly made from single-use plastic, contributes to the alarming rise of plastic pollution, continuing Christmas’ detrimental impact on ecosystems. 

At Imageco, we know that retail brands can bring about significant changes by making informed choices about the products they use for POS materials and displays. Here are our top 3 ways of putting sustainability at the heart of your Christmas POS and window displays: 

1. Crafting Christmas with Cardboard 

Cardboard is a versatile and environmentally friendly material that can be recycled multiple times without losing its integrity, helping to support sustainability efforts. And thanks to our specialist cardboard engineers, we can create almost anything.  

At Imageco, we like to use Xanita board for our larger Cardboard Engineered creations. It’s a sustainable fibre board featuring a repulpable inner core, making it 100% recyclable. Notably lightweight yet exceptionally sturdy compared to conventional fibre boards, the Xanita board offers an ideal option for constructing various structures with reduced environmental impact. If you’re looking to go as big as creating Santa’s Grotto, this is the material for the job.  

For POS applications, the use of a fluted card presents itself as a favourable choice. This type of card combines the eco-friendly advantages of regular cardboard while boasting impressive structural strength, further aligning with environmentally conscious practices. 

2. Deck the Halls the Reusable Way 

Interchangeable retail stands have got our admiration due to their outstanding versatility. These stands allow for smooth transitions between various holiday POS, making your life easier as you can seamlessly switch between your Halloween, Bonfire night, Christmas, and New Year’s setups.   

This approach not only proves to be highly sustainable but also eliminates the need for acquiring entirely new stands for each festive occasion. As a result, this method significantly reduces waste, aligning well with our commitment to environmental responsibility whilst significantly reducing your costs. 

We recently added reusable features with our work with Syn Retail for Dr. Martens POS is their ‘test and learn’ stores. We developed a clever strategy that involved printing the second campaign on the reverse side of their POS displays. This enabled Dr. Martens to flip over the hanging window graphics and store tables, avoiding the expense and environmental impact of producing and shipping additional graphics. 

3. Creating a Wonderland with Window Vinyl 

Using pvc free vinyl offers a fantastic method to create a significant impression with your window displays, enhancing their visual appeal. This versatile material can infuse your windows with a sense of depth and capture the attention of passers-by.  

We use an HP Latex Printer because it gives us the ability to provide wall coverings that omit zero harmful chemicals and aromas. It’s renowned for its capability to use water-based white ink, an ideal choice for crafting scenes of wintry landscapes. Opting for water-based ink not only contributes positively to the environment but also results in a more stunning final product, boasting an appealing finish that really captivates viewers.  

Look at our work in Leeds city centre to see how stunning pvc free vinyl can be! 

Don’t be on Santa’s Sustainability Naughty List! 

At Imageco, we give sustainability a high priority in every project we work on. We’re always striving to discover new routes for improvement. If you’re interested in exploring sustainable solutions for your Christmas POS and displays, we can demonstrate the possibilities.  

If you want to enhance the sustainability of your POS, contact our team to prepare for this year’s holiday season.